Happiness —that elusive state of being that so many people seem to chase at every turn. For many it is the ultimate goal— as it should be! however, Happiness can mean different things for different people. For one person happiness may mean a warm bed to sleep in and a hot plate of food, while for others happiness means having one million dollars in the bank.
The truth is that happiness is so much more than material possessions. Happiness is finding fulfillment in the most unlikely of places. So what are people’s secrets who seem to be so happy? You’ll be surprised to find that they often don’t have one million dollars in the bank, and sometimes they don’t have much to eat either.
Here are five secrets of happy people and how you can unlock the same contentment.
They Do What They Love
Happy people fill their schedules full of things that bring them genuine happiness. Whether it’s making pottery, or spending time with their loved ones, happy people prioritize what makes them, well— happy! After all, how can you expect to be happy if you don’t enjoy life’s simple pleasures as much as possible?
They Practice Gratitude
All too often we go through life thinking about all the things that we want when we should be spending more time thinking about and appreciating what we already have. Practicing gratitude only takes a few minutes a day, and can completely transform your life.
It’s as simple as going over the things you’re happy for in your mind, or even writing them down. Many people find great success in keeping a gratitude journal. However you decide to do it, just make sure that you stay consistent with it.
They Sleep More
It may seem simple, yet it’s incredibly true! People that sleep more are happier! If you go through your life hardly getting enough rest regularly, then it’s only a matter of time until you start to burn out. When you’re running low on sleep, it’s more difficult to regulate your emotions, and you may find yourself dipping into frustration, or even depression. Try to prioritize getting at least seven hours of sleep a night and you’ll find yourself a much more pleasant person.
They Constantly Evolve
The smartest and happiest people know that you can never stop growing. They seek to grow and evolve every opportunity that they have period whether it’s connecting with people they admire, or reading material that expands on what they’re curious about.
Pursuing personal growth is an integral part of being a happy person. The journey of becoming the best version of yourself adds a significant amount of depth to your life experience.