Brands need to understand customer sentiments now more than ever : Mr. Parag Kulkarni, Managing Director, A. O. Smith India.

Mr. Parag Kulkarni, Managing Director, A. O. Smith India..

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a fundamental shift in the relationship between consumers and products and with more people spending time at home, the consumer products industry is expected to see a sustained growth in 2022. The real estate sector has also witnessed green shoots of recovery in 2021 and is expected to experience additional growth, which will also drive demand among ancillary industries.

The pandemic, while having had insufferable consequences for many, has also opened doors for opportunities and innovation for the consumer durables industry. People are now investing in value-based, smart and meaningful products that help them lead a healthier life, including water purifiers and water heaters. We are seeing good traction for our products not only in the metros, but also in tier-2 and tier-3 cities across the country driven by traditional channels and Ecommerce. We believe that product innovation, product upgrades and service excellence will be key to successfully engaging the market. Consumer centricity has always been our key focus and our current communication strategy is to be relevant and contextual, emphasizing health and hygiene.

We believe brands need to understand customer sentiments now more than ever and communication must resonate that. At A. O. Smith India, we will continue to remain optimistic and observant in 2022 and will continue to focus on our ambitions with resilience.