Car mats: which ones to choose

car mats for EVA Toyota.

Photo by Mike Bird:

Car mats are an element that we must pay attention to, as they are the ones that protect the body of the car from our shoes, the dirtiest item of clothing by far. Car mats are specifically designed for each type of car, such as these car mats for EVA Toyota.

There are several types of mats on the market and choosing one or another depends on many factors, such as the areas we drive through, if we have children or pets, if we usually charge the car, etc. Furthermore, in the case of the driver’s mat, safety must be taken into account.

How to choose the best mats for your car

When we buy car mats we can choose between several types, a choice that we must always make taking into account our lifestyle and even our budget, as there are custom-made mats that are expensive due to the materials they use.

Rubber or textile mats?

The first choice we must make when we buy floor mats is the material with which they are made.

Rubber car mats are the ones that have always come with vehicles, since although they are not the most aesthetically pleasing, they are the ones that last the longest.

They are waterproof and that is why they are the best if we live in areas with a lot of rain, since they do not allow the car’s floor upholstery to get wet. They are also the best for those who use cars in the countryside or work in very dirty areas such as construction sites.

Cleaning them is as simple as taking them out and using a hose, drying them in a few minutes in the sun.

Obviously, rubber car mats are not the most beautiful, so if we are concerned about aesthetics it is better to buy some textile material mats, which are less resistant, and more complicated to clean, but look much better.

Universal or custom?

In automotive product stores, we can find what are known as universal mats, which are suitable for all cars and which we will have to adapt by cutting them.

Another possibility is to buy custom mats, which are made following the original sizes and fit much better.

Which ones are better? Obviously, custom-made mats are always the best choice, since they fit perfectly to all the contours of the vehicle, something that is very important in the front seats.

Safety must be taken into account

Floor mats and safety? We may not be able to see the relationship, but in the case of the driver’s mat, there is one.

A poorly adjusted mat in the driver’s seat ends up moving and it would not be the first time it has caused an accident.

The problem occurs when the mat moves too far forward or bends, with textile material being especially dangerous, as it ends up getting caught by the accelerator or brake.

For this reason, at least in the case of the driver, custom-made mats are always preferable to universal ones, which do not fit well nor can they be firmly attached to the ground.

Car mats are a part of the vehicle that we do not give importance to, but they help keep the floor upholstery as the first day, in addition to benefiting the aesthetics, especially if we choose custom mats made of a good material.

About Neel Achary 19315 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.