As per the recent predictions by the IMD, India braces for an intense heat wave in the upcoming summer months. In March 2024, Delhi already experienced temperatures 4 degrees above normal. This indicates that the need for collective action to reduce global warming has become more pressing than ever. Amidst the rapid infrastructure development, green cover is increasingly scarce, such initiatives like Cosmo Foundation’s even more crucial. To ensure the same, Cosmo First through its numerous CSR activities has created 167.8 acres of green cover across locations- Delhi, Gujarat and Maharashtra in India.
Speaking on the initiative, Mr. Ashok Jaipuria, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Cosmo Foundation said, “Climate change is an existential threat that demands immediate action from all of us. By planting trees, creating green spaces, and promoting sustainable practices, we can make a real difference. Through such steps, one at a time, Cosmo Foundations aims to create a lasting impact and pave the way for a greener, healthier future for all.”
Cosmo Foundation’s environmental efforts extend beyond the Earth Day event. To date, the organization has planted 1 lakh saplings, including fruit trees with local farmers, a Miyawaki forest, and a biodiversity hub in New Delhi and Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, respectively. Additionally, Cosmo Foundation maintains 45,000 fruit tree saplings in Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar and Vadodara along with, the Miyawaki Forest in Delhi, Bio Diversity Hub at Chhatrapati Chamarajanagar, and the AAHWAN Centre in New Delhi
The foundation has also developed and maintained green spaces under the Karjan flyover at National Highway No. 8 and the Chatrapati Sambhaji nagar Airport, highlighting its commitment to creating sustainable urban environments. Alongside its environmental protection programs, Cosmo Foundation is actively involved in education, empowerment, health, and sanitation initiatives, demonstrating its holistic approach to community development and sustainable living.