Fashion Designers of Delhi amidst CoViD-19

By Shilpi Gupta, CEO & Owner at Surkhab Bespoke

Pandemic along with the economic crisis might have made it difficult but the worst seems to be over

The pandemic brought along with it a number of challenges for the medical sector and the healthcare industry. However, there are other industries such as the fashion, lifestyle, and makeup industry that have received a heavy blow. With the new health guidelines such as sanitization and social distancing, businesses in Delhi already had to do it the hard way when a number of lockdowns and curfews were announced.

Fashion designers in Delhi are witnessing their sales declining each day as most of their stores aren’t allowed to open and the major chunk of their sales is taking place through the online medium. Besides other things, buying online implies changes in consumer habits which are always hard to come by. As a result, the sales have gone down and moreover, the customers are left with very few reasons to add something new to their wardrobe.

Smaller weddings with even fewer guests, work-from-home, lesser number of festivities, and parties have left people with very few reasons to dress up. Designers also face certain challenges as they now have to accommodate a face mask with any attire that they are creating. Nevertheless, the worst seems to be behind us now; a fast-paced vaccination drive and use of improvised ways by a number of businesses mean it is going to get better from here. We at Surkhab Bespoke (Shilpi Gupta) believe that the only scope that lies ahead is that of sky-rocketing sales and unprecedented growth. As Delhi and its markets will emerge out of lockdowns and curfews, fashion designers can be sure that they will be sought once again. The stakeholders of the fashion industry can feel inspired and confident that the good times are about to come back!

About Neel Achary 20249 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.