Free Physiotherapy camp organized in Gurugram to boost ‘Fit India Movement’(World Physiotherapy Day)

Contributing to the ‘Fit India Movement’, KRV Healthcare and Physiotherapy centre organized a free physical therapy camp for raising awareness about the importance of physiotherapy and leading a better quality of life. Over 500 local residents participated in the camp.

This camp was organized with the support of IGL (IndraPrastha Gas limited) who has been serving the community at large with objectives of Pollution Free, Healthy and Green India.

With an aim to create awareness about the role of physiotherapy in personal well being and its assistance in Nation building, mass interactive sessions were conducted to encourage the masses to inculcate into a culture of regular fitness and healthy regime.

With the heavy indulgence of majority of the Indian population into technology and the nuanced usage spans over multiple spheres of their lives, have resulted in a rise in the number of health ailments especially muscular and postural ones.  Stressing and commenting on the ill-effects of sedentary lifestyle, Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, recently launched the ‘Fit India Movement’.

“Physical Therapy is a conservative type of treatment providing preventive care for all, is one of the most important pillars (backbone) of medical sciences that has the potential to eliminate the need of a surgery without any side-effects in grade 1,2, and 3 cases. But lack of awareness among the masses has still kept it as a mere way of exercising, devoid of its potential benefits, various modalities and ways of treatment. Irrespective of the age, Physiotherapy may be required for all, depending upon their physical problem. While it’s a common notion that physiotherapy plays a vital role in post traumatic, post surgery or recovery after stroke intervention, but its role in other modalities are yet unaddressed.” said Dr Ridwana Sanam, physiotherapist and Founder, KRV Healthcare and Physiotherapy Pvt. Ltd.

In comparison to the Western population, awareness about the role and importance of physiotherapy is still in its nascent stages in India. While physiotherapy is only thought to be a mandate procedure for patients with chronic pain and post surgical recovery, people need to know its importance as a preventive and rehab treatment as well that it plays in any person’s life.

“Pertaining to the professional aspect, work place ergonomics plays a vital role in defining the type of pain or ailment a person is succumbing to. With much of Industrialization taking place in Gurugram and many regions of Haryana, long and erratic working hours in IT, Banking, Telemarketing and many other industry has made them vulnerable to a poor and sedentary lifestyle without any physical activity. Such population is also under the radar of poor health by developing chronic back pains, migraine, poor muscle functionality and ultimately joint related ailments in the long run.” She Added.

In order to educate about the proper posture and workplace ergonomics to avoid posture related pain and ailments, Dr Ridwana has also conducted various physiotherapy sessions in various MNC’s and certified them.

Pertaining to many reasons including age related degenerative arthritis like osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Unicompartmental arthritis among many others, have severely affected the quality of life of many Indians. According to the recent data provided by Joint registry (ISHKS), over 15 crore Indians suffer from some form of joint related ailments and over 35000 joint replacement surgeries were recorded last year, where over 95% of the cases were attributed to osteoarthritis in the age bracket of 40 to 70 years. Seeking to such burden and pain in the society, KRV healthcare and physiotherapy has dedicated themselves for years and has prevented over 55,000 surgeries of slip discs and osteoarthritis by successful treatment through physiotherapy.

“We are choosing this eminent day to bring you a bit closer to fit and healthier life. It is an opportunity to recognize the work that we can do to keep our life healthier and happier. We, at KRV, strive to deliver preemptive measures to professionals taking into account their time constraints, wherein they can imbibe the aforementioned measures into their current lifestyle without having to modify it.” Added Dr Ridwana