Future Electronics Celebrates the 25th Service Anniversary of Employee Eduardo Zamaro

December 06, 2023 –Future Electronics, a leading global distributor of electronic components, recently recognized Eduardo Zamaro for reaching the milestone service anniversary of 25 years with the company.

Eduardo joined Future Electronics in 1998 as a Strategic Account Manager. In 2012 he became a General Sales Manager for Future Electronics Brazil, and at the end of that year was promoted to General Manager. He has since held this position. Eduardo has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and a Master of Business Management (MBA).

In his 25 years of service, Eduardo has made many significant contributions to the Company. “I am most proud of my work with Future Electronics’ national positioning campaign here in Brazil,” he says. “The results of which led us to capture greater market share than our global competitors.”

In his personal life, Eduardo is most proud of his journey in overcoming “The biggest health battle I’ve ever faced in my life. This experience left all other hardships I’d experienced feeling insignificant,” says Eduardo.

Future Electronics is proud of Eduardo’s hard work and continued trust in the company. His commitment to Future Electronics is a testament to the wonderful culture and spirit of the organization.

“25 years at Future Electronics can be summarized as 25 years of adventure, adrenaline, learning, and overcoming,” says Eduardo. “Such professional longevity can only be achieved in a company solid in values, with a structure that allows you to deliver what we sell, surrounded by people who transform our days into something that gives us pride and a growing desire to contribute more to the team.”

Future Electronics congratulates Eduardo once again on this wonderful achievement and looks forward to many more years of learning, adventure, and success.