How To Prepare Yourself And Your Business For A Trade Show


Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Preparing for a business trade show can seem very overwhelming. There are hundreds of small details that you need to remember all at once, but there are some helpful tips to make the experience easier! When it comes time to start thinking about your upcoming trade show, you’ll probably receive an invitation in the mail with information on what day and time the event will take place. 

Make Your Bookings ASAP

It would be best if you tried to book your flight as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on any important appointments or opportunities. If flying isn’t possible, try taking the train or bus instead. Another thing is booking your hotel room early enough so that they won’t be giving away your reservation!

Setup Your Station

As soon as you’ve set foot into the convention center or hotel where your trade show is being held, you should have all of your materials ready. You will need to wear your business suit or formal outfit depending on the type of trade show that it is, and you’ll also want to prepare your infinity exhibits and any necessary documents (brochures, coupons, etc.). If you’re planning on handing out samples or promotional gifts like pens, t-shirts, candy bars, etc., be sure to bring along an extra suitcase. 

Take Regular Breaks And Stay Hydrated

The first day of a trade show can be extremely tiring since there’s so much walking involved (especially if the event takes place in more than one location). So make sure that you take breaks every now and then by eating lunch at your booth and getting some exercise by walking around some of the other booths as well. If you’re able to, try and visit as many booths as possible because it will make your booth more memorable if people remember seeing you there!

While At The Trade Show, There Are A Few Things That You Should Be Doing:

  • Network with other business professionals (speak to them about how they could help your business and vice versa).
  • Fighting off competitors (try and convince people who see your competitors’ booth to stop by yours instead).
  • Make deals (make business deals on the spot where you can exchange some type of product or service for another one in return).

The Breakdown Day

When Monday rolls around, most companies like to end their trade show early so that everyone can come back home or go someplace else for some rest. Once all of the booths have been taken down, it’s time to pack up your suitcase and make your way home. Be sure to follow all of the company rules about equipment (make sure that you haven’t brought anything back with you that wasn’t allowed).

Safe Travels!

Tuesday is often a travel day for many business professionals at trade shows. They’ll either be flying or driving their way back home, depending on how far away they live from the place where the show took place. Before heading out into the real world again, everyone usually takes off their professional outfit and change into more comfortable clothing before boarding any type of transportation.

About Neel Achary 21675 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.