ICC organises India Physical Literacy Conclave 2022…

New Delhi, September 2nd, 2022: Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) organised a conclave 2022 on ‘India Physical Literacy’ to emphasise upon the importance of physical, psychological, social and cognitive health to encircle overall well-being.

John F. Kennedy rightly said, ‘Intelligence and Skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong’. In line with this wise understanding, Indian Chamber of Commerce  conducted the workshop that aimed at educating one and all about the holistic approach that the term Physical Literacy has involving scientifically designed sports and games for young to teenage children.

The lead speaker for the conclave Chair-Northern Region Education Committee Simrin Bakshi, Chair-Vedanya School, Gurgaon said, “Education in fundamental motor skills, mental and physical health helps in motivating a student and building his confidence and physical competence. Through the Physical Literacy Programme introduced at all levels we are establishing purposeful physical pursuits as an integral part of the educational curriculum.”

Physical Literacy Conclave advocates exposure through role model concepts, playing games, endorsing a variety of physical activities, providing spaces to express and encouraging through reward schemes. Anshaj Singh, IAS, Director-Secondary Education Government of Haryana stressed upon practical implementation of physical literacy being infused into the curriculum and pedagogy of schools.

During the workshop Dheeraj Puri, Co-Chair North Region committee ICC, summed up Physical Literacy into four domains:

– Motivation & Confidence (Affective Domain)

– Physical Competence (Physical Domain)

– Knowledge & Understanding (Cognitive Domain)

– Engagement in Physical activities (Behavioral Domain)

Adding clarity to this newly acquired sphere of education that must see itself as significant at school and university curricula, Nigel Green Chair-International Physical Literacy Association UK, stated, “Physical literacy benefits not just the body but also the mind. It improves academic performance, cognitive skills, mental health, psychological wellness, social skills and provides a healthy lifestyle. It is thus imperative for children to master fundamental movements skills and develop physical literacy”

Aparna Popat, Ace Badminton Player, Arjuna Awardee, was in total agreement with the importance of Physical Literacy in India in today’s times. This sentiment was vehemently propagated by Tahsin Zahid, CEO-Sports Skill council of India.

“We at ICC place great importance on physical literacy in the world of primary & secondary education in India. We believe that the younger generation should be totally fit to contribute towards the development of the nation.” Debmalya Benerjee-Regional Director ICC.

Indian Chamber of Commerce is on a mission to help children break out of their sedentary lifestyle which has creeped in especially through COVID times. The vision is to help them embrace physical activity integrated with logical problem solving approaches so as to emerge victorious on all grounds. Through the Physical Literacy Conclave they intend to condition behaviour and notion of parents and students towards physical activities.