KAEROS distribute school Bags to Girls at Arya Girls Sr. Sec.School in Teliwara, Delhi

Kaeros distributed 350 bags school bags to girls at Arya Girls Sr. Secondary school, Teliwara, in the Sadar Bazar area of Delhi today. KAEROS is an upcoming leather bags & accessories Startup Company set up in 2017, by two ambitious designers Kritika Aggarwal and Shreeda Chakraborty.

With a noble thought to support the underprivileged girls in their education, KAEROS has started a CSR initiative, whereby they pledge to give two new school bags for their every bag sold, so that they can contribute their bit to the society. With this important cause of girl child education, they look forward to spread the joy of education at different schools.

“We started this initiative as a small step towards a brighter future of the nation”, Kritika said.

 “It is important to initiate this at the grassroot level, to encourage these students and teach them the importance of education”, Shreeda added.

“It is a first of its kind initiative that I have come across, where such a young company has come up for supporting the school; this shows their strong will to help the students. We wish them all the best for their company and their CSR initiative.” Asha Chabra, Principal of the school mentioned.

On this occasion, Namita Arora, Vice Principal of the school was also present along with the school teachers and staff.