Monsoon related health problems – Dr Aftab Ahmed

It’s monsoon time! While onset of monsoon brings the much needed relief from the scorching summer heat, it is also associated with some health concerns. Here is a checklist of health problems related to monsoon and what precautions we can take…

Mosquito borne diseases:

The rainy season is associated with frequent water logging. The stagnant water is a favourable breeding site for mosquitoes, which can cause a host of febrile illness like malaria, filarial, dengue and chikungunya. Every year we have many people falling sick to these infections. While malaria has specific treatment, dengue and chikungunya are mostly treated symptomatically. Sometimes, improper care and delayed treatment can cause serious complications.

Unfortunately, as there is no vaccine available for these diseases, prevention is important strategy.

Protection from mosquito bites

a) Usage of mosquito nets and meshes on windows and doors

b) Mosquito repellants , coils

c) Wearing long sleeved shirts and full trousers.

d) Eradication of water logging sites

e) Cover all water containers

f) Empty the water in unused tyres and water drums

g) Keep all drains clear

Waterborne diseases

Monsoon is also the time when there is rise in water borne diseases like viral hepatitis A, cholera, typhoid and gastroenteritis due to contamination of food and water. They can manifest as fever, diarrhoea or jaundice.

Preventive tips-

a) Wash hands before and after preparing food or eating.

b) Wash food thoroughly before cooking

c) Drink only properly treated boiled, filtered or bottled water.

d) Avoid unhygienic street food.

e) Vaccines for hepatitis A and typhoid are available.

Fungal infections

The damp and humid weather provides good conditions for spread of fungal infections in skin, particularly on the feet. Keep toe nails short, avoid wading through dirty water, and wash feet thoroughly.

Respiratory diseases and covid 19

The change in weather can precipitate or exacerbate asthma and sinus problems. With regard to C0VID 19, how temperature and humidity influence transmission in India is largely unknown and unpredictable. We have not seen the expected drop in numbers in summer, and we may or may not see a surge in monsoon. In case of any flooding, the social behaviour of people or overcrowding in relief camps may have an impact on the spread of disease.

Dr Aftab Ahmed,

Senior Consultant Physician

Apollo Hospital, Secunderabad.