Road to Recovery: Organisations working towards streamlining occupational skill training for Migrant Workers returning back to work

Pandemic & lockdown has made many vulnerable migrants to walk back to their homes after having lost their jobs. Those who came to the capital in search of making a living here were called off from their jobs as there was no cash flows in the companies. A major part of the migrant workforces in the suburbs and metros got affected. To support them and bring their lives back on track, a few organizations came forward to bridge the gap by reskilling these workers, to equip them with additional skills and open alternate avenues of revenue generation in the market.

Here are a few organizations that are making a difference in the lives of migrant workers.

PanIIT – PanIIT Alumni Reach for India Foundation, the Nation Building arm of Pan IIT Alumni, works towards providing various skill development programs to create opportunities for vulnerable migrant labour – the most affected group today, facing challenges of meeting their daily livelihood and sustenance needs. PanIITs vocational skilling programmes aim to enhance the incomes and livelihoods of the undeserved.

Ajeevika Bureau – Ajeevika Bureau is an Udaipur based NGO that provides job opportunities to the rural poor; especially migrant workers who move to cities in search of employment. Along with Skill development, NGO also connects these workers with job providers and ensures that they don’t get exploited by their contractors. Workers have been issued with an identity card so that they have access to all government schemes and initiatives.

Capacita Connect – Shipra Sharma Bhutani, from Capacita Connect, is helping migrants learn new skills and be absorbed by companies across sectors. The brand is using a mobile app skill mitra to upskill migrant workers and help them earn employment, they have reached to more than 20,000 migrant workers with jobs.

BMW CSR Initiative – Magic Bus India Foundation partnered with BMW for a skill development programme to provide job opportunities to youth. The project focussed on training people. The project focuses on training disadvantaged youngsters and supports them in achieving their personal and professional goals by moving into sustained employment or job-based training.