Sapio Analytics Releases Concept Paper to Transition Developing Countries Into Developed Economies

Sapio Analytics Economic Growth division, a government advisory entity that uses data analytics to help governments make the right policies, has released a concept paper titled “The Road to Developed Economy- using New Age Technologies.” The paper focuses on the power of new age technological solutions, including and not limited to data analytics, in driving comprehensive economic growth of all parameters associated with making a country developed.

London, United Kingdom : A paper released by government advisory firm Sapio Analytics provides research on the attributes that differentiate developing countries from the developed ones, by running mathematical models that account for the differentiation, and provide statistically significant attributes most responsible for driving development. For the purpose, it looks at 72 developing countries and at least 15 developed ones.

Gross National Income (per capita PPP) was used as a major variable to classify countries as being developed, using United Nations reports.

Among the interesting outputs it provides, one of them is how Granular or Hyperlocal Focus on Geographical Locations within a country can impact the right attributes that lead to economic growth needed for developed countries. The report also talks about various innovations and presents evidences of such innovations in helping improve those attributes while basing the innovation in the new age technologies.

“Comprehensive Economic Growth can be done using the power of data, data which comes from the citizens of the country themselves. This fuel need not be imported, as it is only needed to be tapped intelligently from within the country, and be used to create new age technology systems that can help decide the New Age Road to Developed Economy,” says the report in conclusion, while proving through a combination of econometric models and research information why this conclusion is derived.

“We would also like to point out that this concept paper can be used as the precursor for white papers unique to various countries, as the white paper shall require country-specific research and analytics, before coming to the conclusions about the attributes needed for development,” adds Hardik Somani, Chief Operating Officer of Sapio Analytics, about the report, while reporting that Sapio has identified a number of countries in East Africa and South America that can benefit significantly from this unique concept.

Recently, Sapio Analytics had released another white paper introducing the concept of “Smart Hospitals” to the Indian Healthcare System, besides helping create another paper on technological interventions to fight the current crisis, that was launched by the Minister of Science and Technology in the Government of India.