SolarCraft Provides 3rd Solar Energy Installation in Sonoma

Novato, CA, March 22, 2024 — The solar will generate 22,716 kWh annually, providing 73% off set of the unit’s electric usage. This third system brings Sweetwater Spectrum up to a total of 250 kW of solar, producing 250,000 kWh annually and offsets $99,600 of their total PG&E bill costs every year.

“SolarCraft has been an incredible partner to us during our three solar expansions,” said Olivia Vain, Sweetwater Spectrum Executive Director. “We are thrilled that our dream of expanding our programs by adding a 5th residential home materialized in August of 2023, and adding solar was the final step of the project. We strive to minimize our impact on the environment and SolarCraft has been instrumental in supporting us to achieve those goals.”

California Clean Energy (CCE), a Renewable Energy Service Provider for nonprofit organizations, will own the system and recover its costs through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Sweetwater Spectrum. A PPA is an alternative to purchasing or financing your own solar system, providing nonprofits the opportunity to utilize clean solar energy with no up-front costs and no system operation, maintenance, and replacement costs. Customers, such as Sweetwater Spectrum, benefit from fixed electricity prices which will never increase.

The newly installed solar panels are expected to offset 16 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) every year. This is equivalent to removing 41,000 miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle, saving 37 barrels of oil, or the carbon sequestered by 19 acres of trees in one year.