This Independence Day get #JeeneKiAzaadi with MAK Lubricants by BPCL

This Independence Day get #JeeneKiAzaadi with MAK Lubricants by BPCL

Mumbai: MAK Lubricants – from Bharat Petroleum (BPCL) – reign eminently as a trusted brand in lubricants and greases in India and international markets has launched a new video ‘De Jeene Ki Azaadi’ to celebrate freedom this Independence Day.

MAK lubricants has crafted a beautiful campaign that sets to take your mind on a new adventure. The video captures what our heart wants is to be truly free. Free to embrace the open roads, to overcome every challenge, to go on a journey of self-discovery. The video reiterates the thought of following your heart is your road to freedom. It empowers you to discover new vistas, conquer new challenges, and feel oneness with the earth with your trusted companion

With the digital film, the brand emphasizes that in this soothing sojourn of freedom, MAK lubricant is the perfect partner that provides the ultimate care to the engine of your daily companion, and freedom to your mind and soul. The brand allows oneself to whisk away into the green valley, escaping from the routine and ditching the mundane – to experience pure exhilaration and feel the new freedom that awaits you.

Listen to the video and lessen the distance between you and your dreams this #IndependenceDay. Get #JeeneKiAzaadi with MAK Lubricants.