3 Ways to Use Crypto Press Releases for SEO

Image by Eivind Pedersen from Pixabay

Businesses and marketers are always looking for new strategies to enhance their SEO. Options like guest posting and optimizing for long-tail keywords are already well-understood and implemented widely. However, many crypto businesses do not know how to use press releases for successful SEO. In this article, we look at a few ways to use press releases as part of your SEO strategy.

Ranking the Press Release Itself

How much information there is about your business or crypto project is ultimately beneficial for your business and project. When other websites start writing about you and your project, Google takes this to mean you are a high-quality business offering a high-quality product and service.

A well-crafted press release can help provide the visibility Google needs to know you provide value. This happens when the press release ranks highly for relevant keywords. When you organize a press release, there is a significant chance the websites it is posted on already rank for some of the keywords it contains. The result is the press release ranking quickly and highly on search engine result pages.

The key is optimizing your press release for relevant keywords and ensuring it aligns well with the publications and websites it will be posted on or that will talk about it. Once you have created the press release, you can contact companies that handle crypto PR distribution to ensure it ends up on the right websites where it will rank.

Obtaining Organic Backlinks

Let’s start with clearing up something; you are unlikely to get a direct high-quality backlink from a PR or syndication website. Why? Because they ensure all links from the press release are no-follow.

However, you can get organic do-follow backlinks to your website from a press release. How? By creating press releases with compelling and newsworthy content, statistics, announcements, or quotes that other journalists will be happy to report on. When they do, they are likely to add a link to your website where people can find more information about what the press release contains.

Using Press Releases to Create Social Media Buzz

Social proof has become very important in recent years for search engines. Google reportedly uses it to decide how to rank your website and brand. Even though the backlinks you get from social media platforms are not as impactful as they used to be, there is still an indirect social proof effect that crypto projects and founders cannot ignore.

Social media puts your projects in front of interested people and communities likely to engage with the content and check out the project. This generates high-quality traffic to your website and leads for your business.

Also, journalists will share your press release with their followers if they find it interesting and newsworthy. At the very least, they will post a link to the full story, and you can benefit from that.

If you know how to do it right, you can use press releases to enhance your SEO. Press releases place your project in front of interested audiences and on homepages of the biggest businesses and publications in the world. The earned media, social media buzz, and backlinks this generates become massively beneficial to your SEO and the project.

About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.