Cultural Festivity at Allen Jaipur: SanskarMahotsav Highlights Education and Values

Jaipur. Allen Career Institute will organize the biggest Bhakti Ki PathshalaSanskarMahotsav on Saturday to teach education, devotion and sanskar to coaching students at Pink city Jaipur. Coaching students who are immersed in questions of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths will be seen dancing and learning on Bhakti Bhajans. Allen Jaipur’s SanskarMahotsav will be held at Maharishi Arvind School, Madhyam Marg, Shipra Path near City Park, Mansarovar from 4 pm. More than 10 thousand students and parents will attend the program. Along with this, Allen’s Director Dr.GovindMaheshwari, Rajesh Maheshwari, Dr. Naveen Maheshwari and Dr.BrajeshMaheshwari will be present. The students will be guided on career as well as sanskar, culture, spirituality, meditation and patience.