Delhi Public School R.N. Extension Ghaziabad organized an investiture ceremony for the newly appointed body of the Junior Student Council. The ceremony started with the lighting of the lamp followed by a formal welcome speech by the Principal of the school Mrs. Pallavi Upadhyaya. She greeted all the parents present in the ceremony and congratulated all the students selected for Junior council.
The melodious musical performance by the school band mesmerized the audience and made the atmosphere vibrant. The Principal of the school bestowed the council members with badges and sashes. After which, she administered an oath of Allegiance to all the appointed representatives.
The newly appointed Junior Head boy, Nipun Gupta, and Head girl, Ridhishree Mittal expressed their gratitude to the Principal and all the teachers for the responsibilities and honour bestowed on them and promised to perform their duties with utmost sincerity. The ceremony ended with the singing of the National Anthem.