COVID-19 has dramatically altered vaccine decision making globally. There are new challenges in how to maintain routine vaccine coverage and coming challenges in rapid deployment of a coming COVID-19 vaccine. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA and IIHMR University, Jaipur designed two new online courses for vaccine policymakers and program managers to use the tools of economics to optimize vaccine coverage during the challenges of COVID-19.
The IIHMR University, Jaipur and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the USA jointly designed and conducted five capacity-building workshops in India during 2017-2019 which were benefitted by 85 programme managers and policymakers from Bangladesh, Ghana, India Malaysia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka.
This time globally we have received 400 application for this program and out of 400 application we have shortlisted 230 participants. If we talk about India programme, we have received 64 application to join in the program and after shortlisting, we have 53 participants who are selected to attend the program. The participants are from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Somalia.
The participants are working on positions like Director, Deputy Director, Consultant, Technical Advisor, Medical officer, Project coordinator, Program manager and officer working in the field of immunization and vaccine delivery. The participants are working in organizations like Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, State ministries, WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, Tata Trusts, Clinton Health Access Initiative and IIT Kharagpur.
Evidence on evaluating infectious disease and the economic impact of vaccination is critical in informing national decision-makers on the allocation of limited resources and in prioritizing interventions in the health sector.
Investments in vaccines provide a public health safety-net that help to strengthen health systems and avoid disease outbreaks which can be costly to control.
India Program Lead:
Prof. P.R. Sodani, President (officiating), IIHMR University, Jaipur