5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Protein

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is approximately 1 gram per kilogram of your body weight. It is important to understand why protein is so important. Made up of amino acids, it is often termed as the chemical building blocks of the body, essential for repairing, building cells, bones and muscles. It also helps to make enzymes, hormones, antibodies and maintain pH balance. Also used as an energy source, it slows chemical reactions while improving appetite, body composition and metabolism, thereby playing a major role in weight management. Thus, it is important to eat your proteins in a way that they can be fully utilised by the body, especially if you are a gym lover and take protein supplements.

Protein pre and post workout
To be able to perform your workout to the best of your potential and to get the best results, you need energy. This should majorly come in the form of protein that will ultimately help in body building and improving your metabolism. Thus, a high protein supplement shake is crucial either before the workout or after it, depending on the timings of your exercise regime. And this high protein is as important as the workout itself since it enables you to balance the diet and calories spent as well as energy required to continue the exercise.

A clean diet
It is a no brainer that one must avoid junk food, white flour, fried food and eat a healthy balanced diet. Cutting down on excessive carbohydrates is also crucial, while sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet. This will ensure that the protein rich supplements that you are consuming will directly help in body building. As the extra carbs and sugar will be ultimately stored by the body, eliminating them will help in supporting your own endeavour towards a healthier life.

Protein first, carbs later
Even when you are excessively hungry, eat the protein part of your meal first, then have a small portion of complex carb/vegetable and healthy fat for balance. This will ensure that your diet is rich in protein, while complex carbs are only eaten once your hunger is satiated.

Choose your protein supplement wisely
While there are multiple protein supplements in the market, ensure that you read through the label carefully to get the best results. Choose high quality supplement with a complete amino acid profile like BigMuscles Nutrition Premium Gold whey or Nitric whey protein which has good 27gm of protein per serving and is available as pre workout and post workout protein supplements that can be mixed with water or milk to make a smoothie. Moreover, ensure that the protein supplement is Vegan and lab tested so that there are no health issues in the future.

Vegetables are still important
While protein does make an important aspect of your diet, vegetables are as important since they contain vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients. Although needed in small quantities, these nutrients will balance your diet. A bowl of vegetable is all you need for lunch and dinner. Seasonal vegetables are good too, and make sure that you eat a variety of them to get everything that your body requires