Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA): A Ray Of Hope For Women With Failed IVF Cycles

By Dr. Karishma Dafle from Nova IVF Fertility, Pune  

It is a dream of many couples to get blessed with a baby. Motherhood is bliss, after all. But, there are many women who find it difficult to conceive. A patient named Nitasha Agarwal (name changed) from Pune, a working professional visited Nova Pune after 4 failed IVF cycles elsewhere after a detailed history of previous failed cycles it was seen that she had a good embryo and lining of the uterus in all her previous IVF cycles. She was asked to go for Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) test to find out her correct day of implantation. Results of ERA test revealed that the window of implantation was displaced. Thus, the embryos were implanted at the right time and the patient was able to fulfill her dream of getting pregnant.

Everything you need to know about the time and implantation of the embryo via this technique

Almost 10-15% of patients have repeated implantation failures due to various reasons. ERA pinpoints the best time for embryo implantation in the menstrual cycle. The uterus is usually most receptive to embryo around day 19- 20 of the menstrual cycle which is when the embryo transfer is usually carried out. But in some women, this window of implantation may be earlier or later and this is thought to lead to a failed IVF cycle. ERA finds out whether the uterus is receptive or non-receptive.

ERA is usually performed after taking hormones in a similar way to a frozen embryo transfer cycle. Biopsy of a uterine lining is taken in the clinic without giving anaesthesia, tissue taken is then sent to a specialist genetic laboratory. The lab analyses the genes involved in embryo receptivity to determine if the uterus is optimum for transfer. Based on the Era result then a personalized embryo transfer is carried out.

Progesterone is a hormone that helps the endometrium to be receptive during the embryo transfer cycle and transfer is performed after Progesterone is given for  5 days. If the endometrium is receptive in an era cycle usually embryo transfer is done after the 5 days of the Progesterone. If it is non-receptive then the window of implantation is displayed accordingly then embryo transfer is performed after altering the timing of the Progesterone hormone.

Who should opt for this technique?

Those patients who have recurrent implantation failures also multiple IVF failed cycles with a very good embryo and uterus lining and are unable to conceive must take an ERA test

Even for patients with a thin endometrial lining of the uterus ERA can be done to know the best time of implantation.