On the occasion of the Gandhi Jayanti, As part of the celebration of the iconic week of the
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, Patna Smart city Limited, under the Ministry of Housing &
Urban Affairs observed a Walkathon with the help of Eventoss. Eventoss got the
responsibility of planning and executing this event. The event began with a lot of zeal and
enthusiasm. The walkathon started from Maurya Lok campus and reached its final destination
which was Hotel Maurya. After that everyone returned back to the Maurya Lok campus via J.P
Golambar. Himanshu Sharma (MD Smart city, Patna), Sudhir Kumar Sahu (CGM) and many
members from the Smart City Patna limited were a part of the walkathon.
Later on, Himanshu Sharma (MD Smart city, Patna) addressed the gathering, he mentioned
about solid waste management, QR code scanning, and vehicle control through GPS tracking.
Apart from this Patna Smart City also participated in the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav exhibition in