Quote on Schools to reopen….

– Mr. Krish Iyengar, Head, Sportz Village Schools & Group Head- Marketing , Sportz Village

Over the last 18 months children have missed the physical activity that is essential for both their physical and mental well-being. During this period, Sportz Village has been quick to understand the new environment and have developed the ‘Play At Home’ program to ensure children that were engaged in the comfort of their homes. Combined with the hope of Covid subsiding in the near future and the news about opening up vaccinations for children, we are seeing schools gradually opening across certain states like Punjab, Gujarat, Telengana and expect more states to open in November. We are hearing from educators and parents on the need for children to be physically active. To minimize the risk in the current scenario, we have developed a set of SOPs to address the current situation. These include.

1. Lesson plans with social distancing factored in

2. Ensuring that there is minimal need for children to touch the prop or equipment by hand.

3. Focus on Immunity and fitness

4. Training for our staff to manage the social distancing curriculum and social distancing norms.

5. Reinforcement of these SOPs along with the WHO guidance of 60 minutes of play every day will ensure that children can be brought back to their normal levels of physical activity safely.