India’s leading social commerce platform, Otipy reaches Bhiwadi, aims for 10 other tier 2 & 3 cities in next 6 months

India’s leading social commerce platform, Otipy reaches Bhiwadi, aims for 10 other tier 2 & 3 cities in next 6 months

Staying committed to delivering fresh produce to end-consumers while also benefiting farmers and women resellers in the process, Otipy, India’s leading social commerce platform for fresh produce managed by Crofarm, has  announced its expansion plans. […]

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A level playing field for Women: Platforms that empowered working women in 2020 with their journey back into the workforce

Pandemic has been challenging for many working women, who had taken a sabbatical from their professions due to varied personal reasons and added responsibilities. With work-from-home significantly being accepted by organizations in the wake of […]

Varun Khurana, Founder Otipy

OTIPY strengthens its portfolio; launches value added products Farm fresh Gur, White butter, and flowers for delivery

Otipy, the social commerce venture of farm-to-retail agritech startup Crofarm, has augmented its existing portfolio of products with the addition of new valuable items, including farm-fresh gur, white butter, and flowers. This development will create […]