Wearable Devices Boldly Welcomes Meta’s Neural Control Entry to the AR/VR/XR Market

Yokneam Ilit, Israel – September 27, 2024 – Wearable Devices Ltd. (the “Company” or “Wearable Devices”) (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW), an award-winning pioneer in AI-based gesture control technology, today applauded Meta’s entrance into the gesture control space with its announcement at Meta Connect 2024.

“Welcome, Meta. Seriously,” declared Wearable Devices’ Chief Executive Officer Asher Dahan. “Competition only fosters innovation, and we are encouraged to see Meta’s nascent commitment to the neural interface sector which we at Wearable Devices have been advancing and perfecting for over a decade.”


With its award-winning Mudra Band and Mudra Link neural gesture control devices, both of which empower users with hands-free digital navigation, Wearable Devices long ago redefined the way people interact with technology. The Company has repeatedly demonstrated the transformative nature of neural interface technology, enabling users to control digital environments using their thoughts and intentions, opening new doors for hands-free interaction with devices and digital experiences.

“Meta’s new move into this field validates the immense potential and growing importance of neural control,” added Mr. Dahan. “Clearly, we at Wearable Devices have been onto something big all along as the trailblazers in neural wearables, and we look forward to continuing to push boundaries alongside other key players in the space.”

In the past year, the Mudra Band has enhanced the experience of thousands of users, showcasing its proven value. While Meta presented its neural wristband as a ‘Purposeful Product Prototype’ for smart glasses, we offer a versatile solution that controls computers, applications, and smart glasses.

Wearable Devices has long been at the forefront of gesture control innovation, having won the prestigious ‘Best of CES Innovation Award’ in 2021 for its Mudra Band, the first neural interface wristband.

About Neel Achary 20558 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.