This week on Indian Idol, judges Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah are all set to welcome the Team of Azaad, including the sensational Amit Trivedi, ace director Abhishek Kapoor and new actors Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan who are making their acting debuts in Bollywood. In this special episode themed “2025 Ka Superhit Start”, Idol ki Basanti – Ritika Raj will sing for Amit Trivedi, making it a dream come true moment.
She performs the song ‘Pareshaan’ from the film ‘Ishaqzaade’ but the Judges feel Ritika may have slipped this week and in a tense moment, Vishal asks her, “Amit ko dekh ke scale change bhul gayi?”, even as they went on to acknowledge her great effort in tackling such a tough song.
Amit Trivedi then lightens the moment as he speaks about the song ‘Jhala Walla’ from the same film, which Shreya Ghoshal had originally sing and asks Ritika to sing it. Rasha stood up from her seat during the performance in awe and everyone loses themselves in her voice. Shreya also tells Amit about Ritika’s USP – her ‘Nakhre’ and ‘Ada’ – calling her a ‘Pataka.’
Amit says, “I’m going to take your number, and in the future, I want to do a song with you.”
Ritika also shared a story about how she deeply wished for Amit Trivedi to listen to her singing, and her manifestation came true, not only once but twice – thanks to Indian Idol. Just like all the guests, Amit also speaks about her strong manifestation powers and wishes that each of her dreams comes true.