10 Unique Job Perks Companies Are Offering to Keep Their Employees Happy

Over the past decade some of the biggest companies have become increasingly innovative in their efforts to attract top talent. One of the ways they’ve been doing this is by offering unprecedented perks, from paid sabbaticals to student loan help.

Business consultant Kasra Dash has been tracking this trend. “Companies are realizing that traditional benefits aren’t enough in today’s competitive job market,” Dash explains. “They’re looking for ways to stand out and show they care about their employees’ lives.”

Many organizations have started to catch up and offer more personal benefits such as support with family planning or unlimited holidays. This approach tells employees: ‘We understand that work can be demanding, but we are committed to supporting you in your personal life as well,’ according to Dash.

Here, Dash explores ten unique job perks that leading companies are implementing, marking a shift towards more holistic employee support and work-life integration.

10 Standout Job Perks Gaining More Widespread Adoption

  • Unlimited Vacation 

Companies like LinkedIn and Netflix are pioneering unlimited vacation policies. LinkedIn introduced its “Discretionary Time Off” policy in 2015, granting employees the freedom to recharge whenever they need. Netflix takes it a step further with a culture that emphasizes performance over hours worked, allowing staff to mix work and personal time as they see fit. 

“These vacation schemes enable employees to take ownership of their time,” notes Dash. “It builds trust between the employer and employee, showing that the company values results over rigid schedules.”

  • Fertility Support 

In a progressive move back in 2014, Apple and Facebook began covering fertility treatments and egg freezing for their employees.  By supporting family planning, they empower employees to make significant life decisions on their own terms, and help them to feel supported through big life decisions.

  • Student Loan Help 

For many young professionals, student loans are a heavy burden. Companies like PwC and Aetna are stepping up with programs to help employees pay off their loans faster. PwC offers up to $7,200 over several years, while Aetna provides up to $10,000 in assistance.

“By assisting with student loans, companies invest directly in their employees’ financial wellness,” says Dash. “It not only eases a common burden but also attracts young talent looking for employers who understand their stresses.”

  • Mental Health Days 

More and more companies are recognizing the importance of mental health. Employers are now offering extra mental health days to give employees time to unwind, reset, and come back refreshed.

  • Pet Insurance 

Acknowledging that pets are part of the family, some organizations now offer pet insurance as a benefit. One leading example is Amazon, who as a pet-friendly company, reportedly has 7,000 dogs registered to ‘come to work’ at their offices. They extend this dog-friendliness to include pet insurance as an employee perk. 

By helping cover veterinary expenses, companies show they value their employees’ personal lives and the furry friends that matter most to them.

  • On-Site Childcare

Balancing parenthood and a career is no small feat, which is why companies like Patagonia are making it easier by providing on-site childcare. Parents can focus on their work, knowing their kids are close by and well cared for.

“On-site childcare is a huge game-changer for working parents,” Dash remarks. “It takes away the logistical challenges of childcare and allows for a family-friendly workplace culture.”

  • Personal Development Stipends

Some companies now offer personal development stipends. Whether it’s learning a new skill or picking up a hobby, employees are encouraged to invest in their personal growth, knowing that their employer celebrates their lives outside the workplace.

  • Home Office Support

With remote work becoming more common, some companies are providing stipends for home office setups. Whether it’s funding for ergonomic furniture or the latest tech equipment, this support provides employees with a comfortable and efficient workspace at home.

  • Wellness Allowances

Spotify introduced a week-long “Wellness Week” as part of its Heart & Soul mental health program. Employees get a full week off to focus on their well-being and recharge. This perk is a thoughtful way to show employees that companies take their health seriously.

  • Paid Sabbaticals

Companies like Adobe reward long-term employees with paid sabbaticals. After five years of continuous service, employees can take a four-week sabbatical, with additional time added for subsequent five-year milestones. 

Major companies are recognizing that attracting top talent requires a shift in focus. They are now asking, “How can we support our employees?” as much as, or even more than, “What can our employees do for us?”

Kasra Dash emphasizes this point: “Today’s employees want more than just a salary. They want to work for organizations that care about their lives beyond the office. 

“Whether it’s support with family planning, mental health, or financial wellness, employees appreciate when employers recognize their whole selves. 

“For businesses, offering these kinds of benefits both attracts top talent and encourages loyalty and long-term engagement, which ultimately drives growth and success.

“Supporting employees in this way isn’t just good for retention—it’s good for business.”

About Neel Achary 20791 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.