FTCCI organised an Interactive Session on Benefits of Aadhar Seeding of IPs and their Family Members

Hyderabad, July 02nd 2024: An interactive Session on “Benefits of Aadhar Seeding of IPs and their Family Members” was held. It was held at FTCCI at Redhill. It was organised by the Human Resources and Industrial Relations Committee (HR & IR) of the Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTCCI).. Mr. Rajesh Kumar Kaim, Insurance Commissioner, ESIC (Employees State Insurance Corporation) South Zone was the Chief Guest.

Mr. Gouminthang Gangte, Deputy Director In-Charge, ESIC, Regional Office, Telangana and Mr. Patras Gregory Khalkho, Deputy Director, ESIC, Regional Office, Telangana also graced.

Giving his introductory remarks, Nr. C. Niranjan Rao, Co-Chair, of HR & IR Committee said the objective behind this interactive session is to create awareness on the ‘benefits of Aadhar seeding of IPs and their family members’.

Aadhar seeding of anything, like your bank account, PF account or any social security schemes offered by the government is to avoid duplicity and anomalies in the records of the persons. Similarly, Aadhar seeding with ESIC is necessary to provide transparent and better health care to the workforce. It ensures targeted delivery of medical and cash benefits. By linking

Aadhar number with ESIC can also ensure that the benefits reach the insured persons and their beneficiaries.

Mr. Suresh Singhal, Senior Vice President of FTCCI graced the interactive session and gave insights about FTCCI and its activities

ESIC is a program in India that provides financial and medical support to employees and their families. It’s the country’s social security system for workers, and it’s administered by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), said Mr. Rajesh Kumar Kaim, Insurance Commissioner, ESIC. Workers are an integral part of any industry and no industry exists without the workers. Their welfare is the paramount importance in any industry.

ESIC provides proper medical care to insured persons and their dependent family members from the day before joining insurable employment. The range of medical services being provided covers preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services, he added.

Currently, the employee’s contribution rate is 0.75% of their wages, and the employer’s contribution rate is 3.25% of the wages paid/payable for the employees, he said.