How lockdown is affecting the mental well-being of couple planning baby Dr Madhuri Burande Laha, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi


Coronavirus is a public matter of concern in India. Hence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put the country under lockdown. Hence, this lockdown can affect the mental well-being of the couple planning the baby in many ways. They may have less desire to conceive, may fret to go for consultations or even follow-ups. Thus, it is essential to stay calm and composed and take proper guidance before planning a pregnancy during the pandemic.

Coronaviruses (CoV) belong to a large family of viruses that may lead to respiratory illnesses, ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Likewise, earlier this year, a new strain of coronavirus was discovered, which has not been previously identified in human beings, also known as a novel coronavirus (nCov). Thus, COVID-19 is a virus that causes respiratory disease and in serious cases, it can lead to pneumonia. To curb the spread of it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put the entire country under lockdown. Now, the country has entered the unlock phase 2 wherein few services have resumed.

Lockdown takes a toll on couples planning a baby

The lockdown may impact the mental well-being of couples who desire to have a baby. Owing to the financial crisis, some couples may delay their plans of conceiving. Some couples may fear of getting infected with COVID-19 and thus delay planning of having a baby. While some couples may fret to venture out for consultations or follow-ups and thus postpone the plan of conceiving the baby during the lockdown. They are also fearful of the potential consequences of infectious disease. It can also strain the couple’s relationship.

Here’s how the couples should take care of their mental well-being during the lockdown

· Instead of getting depressed, paranoid, or scared, organize your day. Make a list of the activities you want to do. Try to balance your house chores. Get some ‘ME’ time and relax! Spend some quality time with each other.

· Journaling can be a good option. Maintain a journal about your activities, pen down your thoughts.

· Try relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga on a daily basis. Doing so can help you beat anxiety and depression. If you feel anxious then seek immediate medical attention.

· Do activities that make you happy. Reading, listening to music, cooking, solving puzzles, watching educational programs, painting or gardening can be a good idea.

· Exercising together at home can help one de-stress. You can do aerobics, stretching, walking, or play hide and seek with your kids. Stick to a well-balanced and healthy diet.

· If one keeps a positive attitude we have noticed a rise in fertility as there is the stress-free time during lockdown and stress is one of the causes of infertility.

· Only believe the information from reliable sources. Do not believe in rumours.

· Opt for counselling when required. This can help you clear all your doubts regarding pregnancy.