Industry Reactions on the ban on 47 Chinese apps

In a further move of govt banning another 47 Apps, Chingari, CEO & Co-founder- Sumit Ghosh, says, This is a very good move by the Indian Government & Modi ji.

As we’ve said before, we, the Indian citizens need to be very concerned about our data and make sure it remains within India. We at Chingari have always been on top of this. Hence we decided to never take any funds from China nor use any of their technology in our app.

Sana Afreen, Marketing Head, Rizzle commenting on today’s app ban says – “We understand and support Government Decision. At Rizzle, data security has been our top-most priority and will always be. We welcome all the content creators to join a homegrown, positive, and ever-growing, Rizzle family. We are pleased to support millions of TikTokers with a positive & secure platform that will help them in enhancing their social presence while becoming financially independent. In light of the current situation, Rizzle is committed to helping Indian creators bootstrap their presence and shine quickly. National security and citizens’ privacy will be a very critical priority we at Rizzle will abide by. Rizzle adopted India as a primary market soon after launch and will always ensure that we are committed to helping creators in India.”