New Driver’s License Rules in India: No More RTO Tests from June 1st

Driver's License Rules

Pic Credit: Team-BHP

24 May 2024: The Indian government has stated that driving exams would no longer be required at Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) as of June 1. This is a significant step towards streamlining the driver’s license application procedure. The goal of this adjustment is to maintain strict road safety requirements while streamlining the licensing procedure and lightening the load on RTOs.

Key Changes in the New Rules

Under the new regulations, candidates seeking a driver’s license will not be required to take the traditional driving test at an RTO. Instead, driving tests will be conducted at accredited driving schools. These schools will assess candidates’ driving skills and issue a certificate upon successful completion of the test, which can then be submitted to the RTO for license issuance. This move is expected to alleviate long waiting times at RTOs and expedite the licensing process.

Accredited Driving Schools

Accredited driving schools will play a pivotal role under the new system. These schools must meet specific criteria set by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) to ensure they have the necessary infrastructure, qualified instructors, and adequate facilities for comprehensive driving training and testing. The accreditation process will involve regular inspections and adherence to stringent guidelines to maintain high standards of training and testing.

Advantages of the New System

Efficiency and Convenience: Candidates can schedule tests directly with accredited driving schools, potentially reducing the time taken to obtain a license.

Enhanced Training: Accredited driving schools are expected to provide more comprehensive and rigorous training, improving overall driver competence and road safety.

Reduced Burden on RTOs: RTOs will be relieved of the heavy load of conducting driving tests, allowing them to focus on other administrative tasks.

Licensing Process Under the New Rules

Enroll in an Accredited Driving School: Prospective drivers must enroll in a MoRTH-accredited driving school.

Complete Training: Candidates must undergo a prescribed training program, which includes both theoretical and practical components.

Pass the Driving Test: Upon completing the training, candidates must pass a driving test conducted by the accredited school.

Obtain Certificate: Successful candidates will receive a certificate from the driving school, indicating they have passed the test.

Submit Certificate to RTO: Candidates must submit the certificate to the RTO, along with other required documentation, to receive their driver’s license.

Fees and Costs

The cost of obtaining a driver’s license under the new system may vary depending on the driving school chosen and the region. Accredited driving schools are expected to charge fees for both training and testing services. While these fees are anticipated to be higher than the current RTO testing fees, the comprehensive training provided by these schools justifies the cost, ensuring better preparedness for new drivers.

An important change in India’s driver licensing policy is the removal of required driving tests at RTOs. The government intends to improve driver instruction quality, lessen administrative demands on RTOs, and speed up the licensing process by utilizing authorized driving schools. Due to this reform, India’s driver’s license application process should become more streamlined and safer. Before the new system goes into effect on June 1, prospective drivers should familiarize themselves with the local accredited driving schools, comprehend the new procedure, and estimate the costs.