Recently a City based Karate Organisation Traditional Karate Do Okinawa Kubodo Indo Kyokai has hosted E Kata Championship

Shihan Ayan Chakraborty & Traditional Karate-Do Okinawa Kobudo Indo Kyokai

Recently an International E-Kata Karate Championship was organized by Shihan Ayan Chakraborty & Traditional Karate-Do Okinawa Kobudo Indo Kyokai. A total number of 352 students participated in this event from five countries: India , Japan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Grand Master Hanshi Masanabu Sato from Japan was the Supreme Judge and Grand Master Hanshi Eric Govinder was the Chief Judge, Sensei W.D Sarangga from Srilanka & Sensei Md Ali from Bangladesh were also in the judging panel of this E Kata Championship.
Despite the ongoing Pandemic ,it was such a grand successful event organised by Traditional Karate -Do Okinawa Kubodo Indo Kyokai.

Karate means empty hand and karate-do translates to “The way of Karate”. Shotokan Karate is a weapon less martial art that is founded on the basic techniques of punching, striking, kicking, blocking, pressure point and joint blocks, yet there is a dipper aspect to serious karate training which deals with character development. It’s a way for an individual to realize greater potential and expand the limits of those individual physical & mental capabilities. Karate is an excellent, time proven method of personal development. Shotokan Karate-do is a Traditional Japanese Martial Art founded by Master Gichin Funakoshi. Shotokan Karate remains firmly rooted in a strong martial art tradition, emphasizing life time training for a healthy mind & body, rather than strictly as a spot.
Traditional Karate-Do Okinawa Kobudo Indo Kyokai is directly affiliated with Okinawa Karate-Do KobudoTenbukan-Japan, Grand Master HanshiMasanabu Sato 9th Dan and International Federation of Funakoshi Shotokan Karate(South Africa),Grand Master Hanshi Eric Govender 8th Dan. Chief Instructor Shihan Ayan Chakraborty MBA, 6th Dan Black Belt Karate(South Africa) & 6th Dan Black Belt Kobudo(Japan).

Karate-Do is not for a rank, glory or for revenge, it is a way of life said Shihan Ayan Chakraborty The Chief Technical Director of Traditional Karate -Do Okinawa Kubodo Indo Kyokai

About Neel Achary 22179 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.