Sanjeev Kapoor, eminent and renowned Indian chef and leading entrepreneur, has launched the country’s first celebrity online culinary academy in collaboration with Knorish, the one-stop technology platform fuelling over 10,000 online academies.
The pioneering online academy has been ideated to enable a plethora of entrepreneurs, homemakers, professionals and cooking enthusiasts to train, develop and hone their existing skills in the art of Indian cooking and initiate their food-based ventures.
The academy offers a wide range of exclusively-curated online courses that include teaching essentials behind launching and growing a food business, making immunity boosting recipes, and creating restaurant-quality dishes and home-style delicacies from one’s home kitchen. The academy optimises cutting-edge digital technology which facilitates learners to access the course-offerings through any device.
Padam Shree Awardee Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor said on the launch “We are excited by this opportunity to offer online culinary courses and help people in these difficult times whether it’s for immunity or starting one’s own business or consolidate current food business.
It has always been our endeavour to empower people through food and there is no better way to enable this through online courses. Sanjeev Kapoor Academy attempts to become the single destination for all culinary needs and will offer many more courses in the near future.”
The course-offerings are modelled on Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor’s comprehensive experience spanning over three inspiring decades across the world. The immaculate ranges of courses are well-designed to help learners imbibe various techniques and intricacies that will assist them in improving their overall cooking skills.
The gastronomical learning module also comprises of specifically-designed videos that feature the chef’s personal guidance and lessons that revolve around topics such as establishing a successful food business, creating a distinct flavour profile and crafting an indelible personal mark in the world of Indian and international cuisines.
The online course content consists of more than 100 cooking instructional videos and PDF recipes with step-by-step instructions. All courses come with lifetime access along with a course completion certificate to learners on successful completion of the courses.
Speaking on the promising partnership, Kinner N Sachdev, the Co-Founder of Knorish said, “Just like they say a great book has the ability to change the course of anyone’s life for the good, this platform is equipped with the best of distilled knowledge from the legendary Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor himself.
Through our dedicated online teaching platform, I am confident his online academy will help lakhs of aspiring foodpreneurs and home cooks in achieving their culinary dreams.”
Knorish has been at the forefront of the online learning revolution and has helped countless individuals and academies extend customized and monetized world-class online modules through its state-of-the-art digital platform.
Over 10,000 professionals, experts, coaches, consultants, specialists, artists and hobbyists currently have launched their academies with Knorish.