Popular TV actress Kamya Punjabi, who will be tying knot with Shalabh Dang in Mumbai on 10th February 2020, has approached bespoke brand Izhaar to do the wedding cards for the guests for their big celebration.
Opulence and grandeur is what Izhaar chose for the wedding of Kamya & Shalabh! Adding another feather to its cap, Izhaar designed the famous TV actress’s wedding card with precise whimsical details. Hand-painted with love, the unique and creative wedding card is a modern rendition of Indian art. The majestic elephant adoring the lid of the box adds another definition of luxury and takes the design up a notch. The gold leaf covered art piece has red shoes as legs putting the best fashion foot forward! The box contains delectable in fancy jars as Shalabh’s favourite delectable mango and Kamya’s favourite delectable jamun to give people a taste of their love story! Not just a card, this masterpiece of a creation can add oodles of oomph and charm to your living room. The marriage cards are the memoirs of the weddings that happened and the felicitous feeling of opening them remains unchanged! And this card definitely will bring all the best memories back for years to come!