Mumbai, 27 June 2024: Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released the coming-of-age drama series, Sisterhood. The show unfolds in an all-girls convent school, named S.I.S.T.R.S., focusing on the lives of four friends – Zoya, Nikita, Ann, and Gargee. As they navigate the challenges of adolescence, they forge deep connections, encounter personal struggles, and uncover their authentic identities along the journey. From an engrossing storyline, with rich character development, to an authentic portrayal of the highs and lows of school life, the series makes for a riveting watch, resonating with viewers across all ages. Sisterhood features a stellar ensemble cast, including Anvesha Vij, Bhagyashree Limaye, Nitya Mathur, and Nidhi Bhanushali in pivotal roles.
Nidhi Bhanushali, who breathes life into the character of a highly curious and opinionated Gargee, recalls memorable moments from the sets, sharing, “Shooting Sisterhood has been a truly unforgettable experience. Due to early call times, we used to spend most of our time together – from workshops to meals. We practically used to go back home only to sleep. Apart from that, my morning yoga, pranayam, and ashtanga were fun for others. They used to mock me for my morning habits.”
Nidhi further revealed her experience working with her co-stars, adding, “I have learned so much from all of them, especially the art of surrendering. Returning after a five-year hiatus was an anxiety-inducing experience, but these women made it super-easy for me. My co-stars’ support and guidance made my predetermined decision to surrender a simple one, leaving no room for regrets.”
Explore the intricacies of school life like never before with Sisterhood, streaming now exclusively on Amazon miniTV, available on Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, smart TVs, and Play Store!