By Kamayani Naresh, Founder Zyropathy (Zyro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd)
Till now there has been no cure for Cancer and the rate of growth is continuously on the rise. The existing treatment for Cancer in modern medicine is Cut (Surgery), Poison (Chemotherapy) and Burn (Radiation).
These are only symptomatic treatment which helps in reducing cancer cells in the body while damaging more non-cancerous cells because at any given time anybody will have more good cells than bad cells. However, none of the above methods provides a cure for Cancer.
As we all know that remedial measures can be provided in any situation provided its the root cause is known. Modern medicine system is completely clueless about the root cause of Cancer and hence does only peripheral treatment and is unable to remove cancer from the body. More than 90% of Cancer patients die within 5 years and only a few survive beyond 10 years.
The treatment in modern medicine is responsible for more than 70% of deaths. The treatment is so harsh that the deaths are extremely painful, full of agony, sufferings and hopelessness. Cancer has become one of the most dreaded ailments and a person once detected and declared is half dead.
Although the cases of different types of cancer are on the rise cases of Breast Cancer are alarmingly high. Initially, a small benign cyst unresolved for a longer duration develops into Cancer. Once Breast Cancer is declared normal procedure is either removal of cyst or breast amputation followed by Chemotherapy.
Within a few months to a year, a similar problem is observed in another breast. The process continues and cancer is found in the liver, lymph nodes and bones. The ongoing treatment surgery (cut), chemotherapy (poison) and radiation (burn) being practiced presently provide only symptomatic treatment. The physical, mental and physiological condition of the patient continues to deteriorate with time as the treatment progresses and finally patient succumbs.
Breast Cancer is completely recoverable by using a combination of food supplements and zyro naturals. The treatment of Zyropathy is non-invasive, does not have any side effects, and can be conjoined with any other medicine system required. Zyropathy does the following things in case of cancer-
(1) Change the acidic environment of the body to alkaline which supports in reducing the rate of growth of cancer.
(2) Enhance immunity which starts killing cancerous cells.
(3) Zyro naturals start eroding cysts and tumours
(4) Provide optimum nutrition to all cells to generate maximum energy which is used by immunity for eliminating cancer cells and also provide strength to the body.