Operation Food Search Awarded More Than $1.4 Million

(St. Louis, Mo., March 11, 2021) Operation Food Search (OFS), a non-profit hunger relief organization, recently received $1,435,000 from the St. Louis County Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act fund. This is the third round of CARES Act funding the nonprofit has secured since June of 2020, bringing the grand total to $4,722,406.

The first two grants totaled $3,287,406 and provided more than 1.2 million meals and 300,000 pounds of produce from June through the end of 2020. This third grant will provide over 600,000 meals and 280,000 pounds of fresh produce from now through June of 2021.

The funds will be used to distribute food to children and families who are experiencing food insecurity during this current climate. OFS will also utilize the money to hire five temporary staff who will help fulfill the logistics side of the additional food allocation.

The CARES Act funding will allow the continuation of the hunger relief agency’s work during a time of heightened demand in high needs communities. Shelf-stable family food and produce boxes will be provided at drive-through distributions held at St. Louis County partner sites including public schools, libraries, community centers and faith-based organizations.

OFS typically distributes food to 200,000 people per month in the bi-state region. The nonprofit’s free meal distribution program serves the region’s children, families, and seniors who need food assistance. For details about where families can receive food, visit OFS’s website.

“This third round of funding allows us to continue serving St. Louis County families as they endure the prolonged economic effects of COVID-19,” said OFS Executive Director Kristen Wild. “We are extremely grateful for these multiple grants that enable our agency to provide food access through our partner distribution sites.”

Founded in 1981, Operation Food Search (OFS) is a hunger relief organization located at 1644 Lotsie Blvd. that provides free food, nutrition education and innovative programs proven to reduce food insecurity. With a strategic focus aimed at ending childhood hunger, OFS empowers families and increases access to healthy and affordable food. The agency provides food and services to nearly 200,000 individuals on a monthly basis – one-third of whom are children – through a network of 330 community partners in the city of St. Louis plus 27 Missouri and Illinois counties. For more information, call (314) 726-5355 or visit Operation Food Search.

About Neel Achary 22155 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.