Bannada Film production announced the maiden launch of its movie, Bhangover, a complete family entertainer. The movie is slated to release on December 15, 2017. Directed by Mahinder Singh Saniwal and co-produced by Bhumi’s mother Smt . Sumitra Hooda Pednekar, The Journey of Bhangover story is set around the scenic locales of Uttarakhand, Himachal, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab. It is a story that has all the formula and ingredients to be a commercial success. It has suspense and the elements to enthrall the audience with unexpected twists and turns. It is a full-length entertainment movie with a generous helping of comedy.
Present at the press conference at Delhi based media institute Heritage Institute of Management and Communication (HIMCOM) were Bigg Boss Contestant and Haryana dancing sensation Sapna Chaudhary, Director Mahinder Sing Saniwal and one of the lead cast Prerika Arora. The conference also marks the foray of Sapna Chaudhary’s entry into the glitter glamour world of Bollywood with her sizzling foot tapping number “Love Bite” in this comedy thriller movie.
Managing Director HIMCOM Syed Masood and Dean Professor Vijay Prakash welcomed the team Bhangover and Sapna Chaudhary.
Portraying one of the lead characters is Prerika Arora, who hails from Pune, comes from a family of people serving the nation – her father retired army personnel, while her brother and older sister are serving the army and the navy respectively. The Bollywood bug bit Prerika at a very young age and she has been pursuing her dreams ever since. The big break came in the form of Nisha, one of the lead characters in the movie Bhangover. Prerika has done her MBA from Pune.
Bhangover is the brainchild of Mahender Singh Saniwal who is also the Director of this movie. Speaking on its launch, Mahender Singh Saniwal said,” Bhangover is the result of my passion for movies and movie making since childhood. I was waiting for the right script and the right time to give shape to my dreams. And that time has arrived. This is a story that will appeal to all age groups. The story is about 5 college students and their sojourn after having Bhang on the day of Holi. Siddhanth Mahadev has scored some foot tapping and soul-stirring music, while we have our own MD and KD crooning the Title Song. This movie which is set in the scenic locales of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, Haryana, Himachal, and Punjab and will bring out the soul and cultural essence of North India, which is sure to touch the hearts of one and all.
The movie will be released all over India on December 15, 2017.