
Wellthy Therapeutics Demonstrates Sustained Improvements in Blood Glucose Control and Variability over 6 months

Mumbai: Digital therapeutics innovator Wellthy Therapeutics showcased compelling data on the effectiveness of their digital therapeutics platform in combination with a self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) device by Roche Diabetes Care, at the annual American Diabetes […]


This Doctor’s Day Dental Professionals Dr. Gunita Singh and Dr. Tanvir Singh throw light on their role during COVID-19 pandemic

We are all suffering from COVID. To suffer from COVID, we didn’t necessarily have to be COVID +ve. We all suffered in one way or the other. Every human and every profession is affected we all […]


Vietjet Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company (HOSE: VJC) held its 2020 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (AGM) on 27th June 2020, to review the business results from 2019, vote for the approval of audited financial statement and discuss […]


Amazon India Successfully Eliminates 100%Single-Use Plastic in Packagingacrossits Fulfillment Centers

Amazon India today announced that it has achieved a significant milestone in its efforts towards sustainability by eliminating all single-use plastic in packaging originating from its 50+fulfilment centers in India. In September 2019 the company […]