In a feat displaying the resilience and strength of India’s economy, nearly 400,000 entrepreneurs from the MSME sector engaged for an astonishing 98 lakh minutes to train themselves for rebuilding their businesses post COVID 19, under the seminal leadership of Asia’s top business coach Dr Vivek Bindra, the Founder and CEO of Bada Business. The event organized by Bada Business achieved a Guinness World Records® success for the largest online business lesson attended by 18,693 unique participants for 30 minutes.
The business training webinar saw the participation of MSME owners from across the country including 43,000 entrepreneurs from different cities of Delhi.
At a time when the world economy is in doldrums, this achievement marks a major milestone for Indian businesses and displays the bright side of the Indian economy. The achievement also shows that Indian entrepreneurs are leading the way towards making of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (Self-reliant India), a mission set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to position India in global leadership role in a post-COVID world.
The World Record Feat
Overall, the online lesson streamed on the Bada Business App on April 24th garnered 7,49,180 total logins and was watched by 3,78,099 unique participants with an average concurrency of 50,131 during the four-hour session. It was viewed for a total of 98,54,293 minutes. The session was also attended by a number of participants from other countries.
The attempt succeeded in creating a new world record for the largest online business lesson involving 18,693 unique viewers for 30 minutes. The previous record was held by a Russian gathering of 12,091 people in 2014; while earlier a similar event attended by 8000 participants in the US also held this record.
Dr. Vivek Bindra was presented with his record title certificate by official adjudicator, Ms. Joanne Brent, in an online ceremony on May 17, 2020.
Speaking on the achievement, Ms Brent said “Achieving this Guinness World Records® title for the Largest Online Business Lesson is an impressive accomplishment and a very inspiring reminder of what can be achieved together even when we are apart.”
Indian entrepreneurs display stoic resolve to bounce back
Dr Vivek Bindra, the Founder and CEO of Bada Business, said: “We are thrilled to have created a world record for the largest online business lesson and we congratulate India’s highly resilient MSME community for this achievement. At a time when the businesses are reeling under the economic impact of COVID 19, our session was attended by such a large number of entrepreneurs looking for professional guidance and help in adapting their businesses during the crisis. It gives us immense satisfaction to be able to help India’s small and medium scale businesses survive this unprecedented scare and make a positive difference to the economy at large”.
Bada Business is an initiative that offers small and medium scale enterprises extensive knowledge into business strategies to help them scale up and grow. Dr Vivek Bindra took the initiative of organizing this webinar in view of the prevailing economic condition that has endangered the survival of many businesses. The online session was organized to help businesses adopt strategies and approaches to reinvent themselves and survive this crisis. The event that offered insights to entrepreneurs on how to adapt their businesses to stay profitable during the economic slump was addressed by Dr Vivek Bindra along with his team of top business trainers.
“I humbly dedicate this new world record to 1.3 billion Indians and to Indian entrepreneurs in particular who are leading the way towards achieving the Prime Minister’s vision of making India self-reliant. With this unprecedented zeal for learning skills to bounce-back their businesses, MSME entrepreneurs have shown that they will not let this crisis undermine their potential and are all set to realize India’s collective goal of becoming the economic powerhouse of the world,” added Dr. Vivek Bindra.
Bada Business Mobile App crashes temporarily after 1.5 Million people join the webinar
The world record effort was all the more challenging at a time of a global pandemic. Organizing the webinar at such a large scale had its technological challenges as well. As many as 1.5 million people joined the webinar through Bada Business Mobile App, which resulted in the App crashing before the session could even begin. A new platform on the website was built in 3 hours before the session finally went live. However, the enthusiastic business community joined in 400,000 numbers, with aplomb.
Record Attempt & Lockdown
Attempting a world record has its own challenges, but when we are attempting during a nationwide lockdown, it becomes even more back-breaking. With a large section of population working from home, bandwidth and Internet speed has been a challenge during the lockdown. In Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities from where a large number of MSME businesses were joining the webinar, availability of Internet speed and bandwidth poses an even greater challenge. Understandably, shooting and live streaming a 4 hour session amidst these technological challenges was an uphill task. Add to it the fact that all employees at Bada Business, who were coordinating the live streaming of the Webinar, were working remotely due to the lockdown. All these factors made this world record attempt all the more exacting. Yet, the execution team was prepared to handle an online traffic of 4-5 lakh visitors. However, at 9 am when the Webinar was supposed to go live, an estimated 1.5 million visitors flooded the App and resulted in a crash. The determined team behind the effort took this challenge in its stride and acted with alacrity to build a new platform. The session finally went live at 12 pm. Despite the delay, a huge audience still waited and joined the session.
The event was partnered with leading companies from different domains such as BrightCove LLC, MargERP Ltd, APL Apollo, SAGE University, GLA University, PEWallet, to name a few.
As business losses mount, adaptability is the key
The All India Manufacturers’ Organisation has estimated a loss of around Rs 40,000 crore a day to MSME sector. It has said that the industry has already lost more than 12 lakh crore since the lockdown. However, a demographic advantage and strong economic fundamentals are likely to help the industry recover fast from the slump.
The online lesson addressed a series of pertinent subjects for businesses during this time including what should be the strategy to bounce back after Covid-19 crisis, how to transform businesses to the digital domain and how to manage finances when revenues decline.
“In order to help accelerate response to Coronavirus-driven changes, one should be adaptable to these changes to reinvent your business. This time must be effectively utilized to remodel existing business processes through extensive research and analysis. It is important to use this time to improve organizational effectiveness, manpower training and engaging with existing customers through innovative ways. Technology automation, improving user experience, strategic partnerships, sales and delivery innovation and customer outreach will help you emerge stronger from these challenging times,” said Dr Vivek Bindra in his wide ranging advice to businesses.
Dr Vivek Bindra insisted that businesses need to adapt themselves fast to be able to sail through this change and restart sales quickly post the lockdown.