How to Make a Short-Term Business Rental Feel Like Home

EHL Hospitality Business School

If you’re traveling for business and your company does not use a corporate travel agency, finding temporary housing on your own and settling in can seem like a daunting task.

While there are different types of short-term housing options – like sublets, extended stay hotels, vacation rentals, and corporate housing – they all have one thing in common.

Due to their transitional nature, making short-term housing feel like home when you don’t plan to stay permanently can be challenging.

So, whether you’re currently on business in an Extended Stay in Toronto or planning to move soon, here are a few tips to make the move easier and make your short-term housing feel more like home.

Travel Light

Living in short-term housing means you need to prepare for another move – so make it easy for yourself by only bringing your essentials with you. This means leaving unnecessary kitchen equipment, off-season clothing, and special sentimental items at home.

If you happen to be in-between homes, renting a portable storage container is a good option if you don’t have anywhere to store large items that won’t be able to fit in your rental. 

Pick Housing with the Essentials

Even though your housing situation is temporary, you shouldn’t have to go without the things you need in a home. If you can’t cope without a washer and dryer or garage parking, make sure your short-term rental has the amenities you need. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice the things that make life easier for you.

Making sure your temporary housing ticks your boxes will make your stay much more comfortable – and you’ll be happier.

Take Time to Unpack What You Need

While it may be obvious to most, unpacking your things can make a big difference in making your short-term rental feel more like home. Nothing screams ‘temporary’ like living out of an unpacked suitcase. 

That said, if you have to move again in a few months, don’t unpack anything you don’t need and save yourself the time. Dedicate a corner of your rental to still-packed boxes and suitcases – you’ll thank yourself when you find that you have less to worry about for the next move.

Stock the Kitchen

One of the first things you should do when you move into your temporary home is stock the kitchen. Go to the grocery store and stock up on all your favorite foods.

You can buy non-perishable and perishable foods to prepare full meals if you have a fully-equipped kitchen. Like unpacking, having your favorite foods on hand can go a long way to making your space feel homelier.

Meet Your Neighbors

Even if you won’t be staying long, getting to know your neighbors comes with many benefits and can also make you feel more settled. Even if you’re not planning to make any long-term friendships, make a point of introducing yourself to the people around you when you run into them.

Living in temporary housing can be an adventure with the right mindset – so embrace it for what it is and do what you can to make the space one you can enjoy. You’ll be glad you did!

About Neel Achary 20249 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.