Quote on India’s Net Zero Commitment at COP26: Omega Seiki Mobility I

Mr. Uday Narang, Founder and Chairman, Omega Seiki Mobility
Mr. Uday Narang, Founder and Chairman, Omega Seiki Mobility

Mr. Uday Narang, Founder and Chairman, Omega Seiki Mobility commented on India’s Net Zero Commitment at COP26, “Today is a proud day for all Indians with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement at COP26 that India will go net zero in terms of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2070. Being carbon neutral is the need of the hour for all nations in humanity’s fight against global warming and climate change. Electric Vehicles will play a key role in achieving this ambitious target and OSM Family is 100% committed to this target. The ball is now in our court, and it is time for the industrial sector to rise up to the occasion.”