When‘during-the-school’ stress levels have pushed 12 per cent of Indian children within the age-group of four to 18 years suffer from psychiatric disorders and about 20 per cent into mental disorders, yet another alarming situation has come forth.
According to the Survey conducted by Scooldudes.com, India’s first-of-its-kind after-school hangout for children, has revealed that the school going children in Delhi within the age group of 10 to 18 years have reported the second highest school and education-centric stress levels, with Mumbai topping the survey. From among 5,000 school-going children surveyed out of eight cities within the age-group of 10 to 18 years, about 80 per cent of them were found in acute stress levels; mainly owing to factors like pressure of daily studies, examinations, academic tuitions, parents’ expectations. Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai were topped after Mumbai on these scales with about 65%, 50% and 40% children from these cities; respectively reported acute stress levels.
Mr Ramachandran Kannan, Founder of Scooldudes.comsaid that stress-levels of school-going children have reached to disastrous levels in a city like Delhiand the existing education system and a ‘must-to-perform’ culture by parents are adding to their woes. He warned the parents to address this issue immediately to bring out the children from this horrible situation.
In order to relieve students from the menace of heavy backpacks, heaps of text books and volumes of information flowing from formal academics, a Chennai-based technology-driven platform – ‘Scooldudes.com’ – has introduced an array of solutions to de-stress the school going children and their parents.
Proving to be a unique and the fastest growing platform for meaningful, non-academic and informal engagements with children, ‘Scooldudes.com’ encourages the children and their parents maximise their ‘after-the-school’ and ‘after-the-examination’ time, particularly around the vacations, for nurturing life and social skills.
As part of its pan-India expansion, Scooldudes.com was launched in both website and Mobile App versions to facilitate seamless, real-time and convenient user-experience to children and their parents.Mr Ramachandran Kannan, Founder of Scooldudes.com plans to expand their services in Delhi and rest of North India.
Explaining the concept and need of having such a distinguished platform, Mr Ramachandran Kannan said, “These days, a stressful education system has negatively impacted children’s exuberance, spontaneity and creativity. It has deprived them of learning life, leadership and social skills. Today’s children direly need a mechanism that will relieve them after their school and free time. Filling this void, through Scooldudes.com, we are providing them a strong, after-school hangout, which will offer activities and programmes to nurture and develop social skills, emotional development and hone out academic talent among them.”
Started in 2013, as a fun-filled after-school hangout for the children between the age-group of 12 to 18 years, currently, Scooldudes has a presence in Chennai and other Southern States and has recently launched its services in Mumbai. Soon, Schooldudes will expand in other parts of India including New Delhi, Kolkata and other states of India in the next one year; mainly in Tier I and II cities. The company is also planning for a global launch in the near term.
With over 10,000 participants already signed in through its interactive online internet and off-line engagement platform in the form of communities, Scooldudes gives children an opportunity to bond with their counterparts and gain experience that would help in developing their life skills through daily activities such as contests, and express/develop their creative, literary and thinking skills. The platform teaches life skills through various outdoor activities such as rappelling, camping, organic farming, cooking with firewood, bonfires, stargazing, archery, non-competitive games and so on.
Offering a year-long curriculum, Scooldudesoperates in three domains; viz: NATURE ESCAPE, CAREERWISEand SCOOLDUDES LEARNING ACADEMY. It offers outdoor camps and activities through NATURE ESCAPE those include rock climbing, scuba diving, trekking, camping, etc. It also offers career guidance and mentorship for students of 8th to 12 standards through CAREERWISE. Thirdly, Scooldudes has its own Academy known as ‘SCOOLDUDES LEARNING ACADEMY’ that teaches masterclasses on all emotional, career and life related lessons.
Scooldudes has an online presence through web and social media and it has strategically collaborated with corporates, institutions and high influential intellectuals. With these online and off-line capabilities, Scooldudes has planned its pan-India coverage.
Adding further, Mr Kannan said, “As we intend to complete the unknown piece missing in the current education system, our activity oriented skill learning and gaining platforms are exceptional, as no other institution in the current system focuses on physical and mental growth aspects of children. As life is more than academics and maths.”