Gaby Guha opted to wear Nikhita Tandon’s designs. Inspired by The Archangel Metatron, whose aura was included in a 10-metre-long hand-embellished sequin net trail, served as the inspiration for the Miss Europe 2020 sequin embroidered orange ray light gown. The prima donna was hugged by the accentuated waistline and plunging neckline, creating a ground-breaking and jaw-dropping appearance. The other silhouette by Nikhita Tandon was designed for model, entrepreneur, and actress Kiera Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter. She was dressed in a sublime and aural emerald green jewel net layers gown that was reminiscent of the elegant hues of Archangel Raphael. Arissa Khan, a model, entrepreneur, and beauty queen, exuded her vision while walking the red carpet in a couture gown by Nikhita Tandon adorned with nude and champagne gold sheer net frill.
- Reynu Taandon:
- Zita Vass:
- Alexandra Vino:
- Getty Images:
Zita Vass was astounded by the couture dress’ top-notch design. She claimed that Reynu Taandon’s creation “matched my ideals. She and her team deserve my deepest congratulations for coming up with such a stunning look. In her speech, Alexandra Vino emphasized how Reynu Taandon upheld minimalism with grandeur. The entirely hand-embroidered couture gown grasped her in admiration. Nobody could have anticipated such a stunning combination of sequins and glass crystals. “Nikhita and her team curated an inspirational gown that made me look like a celestial angel, “said Gaby Guha in a statement. Thanks to the designer for coming up with such a fantastic and distinctive style that suited what I was looking for. According to Kiera Chaplin, “The hues of the silhouette drew my attention. This distinctive piece was meticulously created by Nikhita. “Such an incredible piece from my homeland makes me proud,” Arissa Khan added. Every aspect of the dress draws attention to the features. Congratulations to Nikhita for such an exceptional and enduring piece.
- Nikhita Tandon:
- Kiera Chaplin:
- Gaby Guha:
- Arissa Khan: