At a time when there are many reports on shortage of personal protective equipment, the team at L V Prasad Eye Institute’s (LVPEI) Center for Innovation has risen to the occasion to create a low cost innovative indigenous OS Visor for the LVPEI clinicians and front line staff. The full-face protective gear is a transparent visor that is worn over the surgical mask to protect the entire face. An idea that stemmed from the need to meet the in-house requirement was soon made available to meet the current crisis. Its open-source file is now being shared far and wide with other organizations.
The team led by Sandeep Vempati, Project Lead at LVPEI Center for Innovation created a prototype in 4 hours, made a manufacturable version of it the same day, and contacted vendors the next day. Barely 48 hours later, the design of the product that has a production cost of approximately INR 50 (little under $1 USD per piece), was ready for use (per unit cost is INR 50; assembly and shipping cost not included).
With his experience in the medical field, Sandeep is of the view that engineers can contribute a lot to the healthcare sector in democratizing healthcare and making it more affordable for the masses.
OSVisor Webpage/Video tutorial:
– 250 OS Visors are being used by LVPEI doctors and frontline staffs
– Helped in making 500 OS Visors for Fernandez Hospital, Hyderabad
– Coordinated with local vendors in Jhansi in UP for making 150 OS Visors for the military team there
– Identified vendors in Hyderabad, Vizag, Bangalore, Mumbai, Gujarat and UP for helping local hospitals and clinics manufacture these OS Visors
– 1 lakh + units of our designs have been manufactured and deployed (through our partners) in Mexico and regions in the USA