Navneet Goenka CEO Glitzkoin, Organizes Thailand Charity Program

Glitzkoin CEO Navneet Goenka, organized a charity event in Thailand. Commencing on 5th February 2022, this program focuses on helping, Thai communities that have been economically affected by the prolonged pandemic situation. Economic hardships have resulted in families being isolated and often living, on just one small meal a day.

Navneet Goenka mentioned that, “… Thailand is a wonderful country … while Glitzkoin has no immediate business interest there, I feel that it is the responsibility of all international businesses to help the nation. This program aims to bring around 50,000 healthy meals to needy Thais. While this will not end the crisis, we do hope that it will trigger a sense of responsibility among other international businesses”

Travel restrictions and local regulations during the pandemic, have expanded the required time frame to achieve the target but, the CEO is determined to keep the program running. Navneet Goenka used local contacts in Thailand to help with the execution of the program. As the CEO mentioned, “… I realized that it was unwise to wait for perfect conditions to prevail in Thailand … the people needed help and Glitzkoin has the will and capacity to organize such programs.”

Navneet Goenka has been involved in a range of charity programs in the past. Most of these were organized in the rural areas of India and Malaysia. Glitzkoin had also sponsored a special event on World Diabetes Day in Malaysia.

The pandemic did impact Glitzkoin charity activities and Navneet Goenka hopes that, the health crisis will become more manageable in the next few months.