Things To Know Before Booking Your Bridal Makeup Artist

Bridal Makeup

Getting married in the next 6-9 months? Well, it’s time to book your Bridal Makeup Artist! Since most of the Make-up artists get booked 6 months prior to the wedding season and some renowned makeup artists get booked a year before. Brides who want a particular make-up artist make sure that they book them well in advance to avoid disappointment. Currently, a lot of Makeup Artists are trending, some due to their signature looks that they give to their brides, and some due to their name in the industry. Making sure that you pick the right Makeup Artist can make things very easy and clear for the D-day! Since there are a lot of newly turned Makeup Artists out there, you must pick the best based on their experience and expertise. So, here Makeup Artist Cherry Deol, Founder Makeup by Cherry shared some points to keep in mind before booking your bridal makeup artist:

Sometimes the brides-to-be are not sure of the experience of the makeup artist and yet they still choose them only to face disappointment with their looks later on. For example, the most negative point is CAKEY MAKEUP! Trending for a long time now, most of the clients are afraid of the only one thing while getting their makeup done and that’s cakey makeup! Many women complain that the base turned cakey after a while and completely ruined their look. In order to avoid this, one must always ask their makeup artist for a trial so that they know what they are in for. Not only does a makeup trial help you decide the kind of look you will be getting on your wedding, but it’s also helpful in seeing the work of the makeup artist.

If your makeup artist is willing to provide you with a trial prior to booking then that’s best, otherwise, some might offer a consultation session inclusive in your booking where they can give you a trial based on your preferences.

Also, make sure that you follow your makeup artist on their social media handles. Doing so will keep you posted about the recent work that they do, also, you can always get ideas of hair, makeup, outfits, the kind of jewellery that would match your style. It’s always good to save the images of the looks that inspire you.

The most important part when booking your bridal makeup artist is to ask them about the number of members that they have in their team since most of them have a team consisting of a hairstylist and a draping artist/assistant.

It’s better to discuss the timings, makeup artists do not only take up 1 booking per day, but they also have other commitments for their other clients. So you should be mindful of the time slot that you require. Usually, it takes 2.5-3 hours for bridal makeup, it’s better to get ready at least half an hour prior to the desired ready time so that you can get your photoshoot done.

Make sure that the payment process is discussed well in advance, mostly all the makeup artists require 50% advance payment, so it’s better to know how and when your makeup artist requires the payments. Well, that’s it, folks! Follow these tips and your makeup would be hassle-free!