Timelabs Gets a New Brand Identity

Timelabs has been known for appointing a new perspective of HR solutions by striking innovation in the domain with its advanced tech roles and practices. The leading HRMS system for institutions and enterprises has been vocal about its intent and idea to evolve and set out better possibilities and practices for people’s management.

This takes a real and evident shape with the fine act of representation of the innate ideas and the brand message that expresses the purpose of change across the line of communication with the new brand identity.

Talking about the thought that goes behind bringing up the new brand presence, Mr. Devesh Bhartiya, Managing Director – Timelabs, says, “With the ever-changing modes and methods of digital communication there’s a need to bring branding ideas that work with the evolved systems. Just like you make efforts to change things from inside, there’s a time when the inner change should reflect and become viable with how you look and behave at the frontend.”

He further adds, “The significant shifts in the digital trends and the audience engagement patterns that keep changing with time has led Timelabs to respond to the way the brand communication takes place. Also, with time the perspective and purpose of communication get changed and there are always new ways needed to change the way you make it appear and connect with your audiences.
Timelabs needed that change from quite a sometime. Therefore, the company has come up with a changed scheme of presentation, a new array of brand assets, and a completely revamped digital facade of communication.”

The new logo of Timelabs shows an icon in the transiting shade of blue with the letter T and L transcribed on it in an allied flow. This represents the elementary design that is going to establish the pillar letters of the brand prominently depicted as the labelhead of the logo. This is followed by a typographic scripture depicting the name of the brand in a new package of font and colors, aiming to share a transformed new-generation identity of the brand through the new brand emblem.

This has been worked along with a revamped landing page experience. The facelifted website of Timelabs is created to serve a more liberated and effortless style of communication. This includes bringing in evolved course of communication on board and making the interaction more engaging and evocative for the users. The whole communication is aimed at being created in a dynamic setting and reveals information in an intuitive format of presentation.

This is further accompanied by a set of digital brand gears in the form of profile prompts and communication resources. All this marks the new identity of Timelabs in the act of creating the new brand value proposition and a revamped look that strikes the revived beginning of Timelabs.