The honorable Vice-Chancellor, Chaudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University Prof. K.P. Singh communicated with all University Officials including the OSD, the Registrar, the SMO, the University Hospital etc. via video conferencing on education, research, extension education and other activities . Prof. K.P Singh instructed Dean, College of Basic sciences and Humanities and Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology to provide students with sufficient online study material in order to continue with uninterrupted studies.
Prof. K P Singh also interacted with Director Extension Education, Director of Research from University Farm, K.V.Ks and all other concerned controlling officers and instructed that the crops shall be collected by cutting machines, and if needed, by the labour force, given that the administration permits and all other policy guidelines are followed.
The Director of Research, Director Human Resource Management, Directorate of Student Welfare, and SMO, University Hospital were advised to send guidelines and directions to all the students, scientists and other officials who have travelled abroad to obey the requisite guidelines on arrival in the country.
He also advised the Dean, College of Home Science to produce masks and Senior Medical Officer to produce more masks and have them sanitized for the workers and employees engaged in security, mess and cleaning work. The officers were further advised to obey the directives issued by the Government of India and Govt. of Haryana and also to direct all co-workers to follow the same.
Discussing further, Prof K P Singh instructed that vegetable produced by Dean Dayan Upadhyay Organic Farming Center will be sent to market and should be sold at a reasonable rate.
Prof .K.P. Singh ensured the health of all employees, officers and comptroller was directed to monitor contract workers including timely payment of salaries.