Claims of Fraud and Forgeries May Debunk 500 Years of Christopher Columbus History

Claims of Fraud and Forgeries May Debunk 500 Years of Christopher Columbus History

Jacksonville, FL, October 02, 2024 –Association Cristóvão Colón feels that this academic publication will assist greatly the world’s academics in uncovering the truth about Christopher Columbus, the putative discoverer of the Americas. The doctoral dissertation is the result of a 33-year-long investigation by Dr. Manuel da Silva Rosa (PhD in Insular and Atlantic History and long-time Columbus investigator) and deals meticulously with the original documents. The book is the first English edition and explains in great detail how 500 years of history related to Christopher Columbus was dubious at best.

“The reader will not find an exercise of guesses here, or rejection of the sources that do not fit, nor any unfounded deductions. Doctor Manuel Rosa demonstrated, through a systematic analysis of all the documentation, that Don Cristóbal Colón was not born in a family of Genoese weavers,” wrote Professor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa in the books Foreword.

It is more than just an esoteric quest for knowledge of the 15th century. Up to now the Christopher Columbus history was a devious labyrinth which Dr. Rosa claims was falsified by many different actors working in different centuries and for different reasons. Documents about some Cristoforo Colombo weaver from Genoa, included many forgeries, as Ulloa, Altolaguirre, Strahan and others declared and are well-sourced in the book. The Contemporary Review (1937) stated that “the forgery of documents referring to Columbus has not stopped, being more intensified after his death.”

This newly published research places the blame for the prevailing falsified history clearly at the feet of the Italian academics from the late 1800s and early 1900s and their supporting government entities. All of them colluded to provide false and misleading documents to the world in the hopes that the doubts surrounding their Genoese peasant weaver Columbus could be erased.

At any time, the Italian lobby could have opted for seeking truth and let the world know about their lack of documents. Instead, they opted to bluff the world with misleading publications and their manipulations succeeded in deceiving thousands of academics for over 100 years.

What is presented in COLUMBUS versus COLÓN: The weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain, are the solid facts on which to anchor a new biography and a new and more accurate story.